
Depiend is an e-commerce platform for workwear. The redesigned website strengthens the company's position in the market.
To revamp their website with better layouts, improve user experience and make it visually appealing.
My role at DONE. was to create low-fidelity wireframes for the new Depiend website. While designing the user experience, I focused on rethinking the process to improve it without disrupting the existing business model or customer service.
Problem statement
The content of the website was confusing and inconsistent.

Depiend has three types of users: private customers, companies and resellers, with the latter two being the most frequent purchasers. Their feedback was crucial to the design process, resulting in revamped features.
Low-fidelity wireframes
The new Depiend website has to be more product-centric.
The index page was too long and overloaded with unnecessary blocks. I removed the ones that didn't add value and replaced them with more useful content, like a list of the shops.

I redesigned the products menu by replacing the hover state with a click action and implemented a panel layout.

The search bar is one of the most important features on the website, as it's frequently used. If the user hasn't entered a search term yet, the site suggests recommended products and keywords.

On the old website, all users were directed to the same sign-up page, which wasn't ideal since they had to fill out different fields. To improve this, I separated the options using radio buttons.
The old design had a single input field for the address which led to more mistakes. In my redesign, I separated the address into distinct fields for each part.

More wireframes:

Impact overview
The result is a more user-friendly website with an improved user experience.
Depiend offers one of the largest selections of workwear in Hungary. With over two decades of history, their newly redesigned website positions them to attract future customers, compete with industry peers and potentially gain a strategic advantage.